翻訳対象ページ(Translated Pages)
The following pages are about services provided for foreigners who live in Japan.
For foreigners who are not residents, there may be services that we cannot offer.
Please agree after confirming the following items.
- The following pages use machine translations. The translated pages may not necessarily be correct.
- In addition, our company holds no responsibility for translations.
- The translated pages are only available to customers for reference. We will conform to the original Japanese text for descriptions of our content and services.
- Please be aware that some of the services we offer may not be available to those living outside Japan.
- Please note that some part, such as the Terms of Use, will not be translated.
- 下記に記載しているページのみ翻訳対象となります。
- 各翻訳ページをご利用の際は、当ページを経由してください。
- 日本語に変更する場合はこちらをクリック(タップ) してください。